公司秘書 Company Secretary


公司秘書服務 Company Secretary







公司秘書服務一年 (不包括政府費用) 

Company Secretary Service Annual Fee (Exclude Government Fee)  HK$800


♦  由本公司出任公司秘書一年


              Company Secretary Service for One Year

♦  提供公司秘書專業意見


                                            Provide consultation in company registration and professional advices    

              in respect of Companies Ordinance

♦  定期通知董事責任事項 

              To notify the Director's duties & responsibilities on a regular basis



"SUPERIOR" 公司秘書服務一年 (不包括政府費用) 

"SUPERIOR" Company Secretary Service Annual Fee (Exclude Government Fee)  HK$2,000



♦  由本公司出任公司秘書一年


Company Secretary Service for One Year

♦  提供公司秘書專業意見



Provide consultation in company registration and professioanl advices in respect of Companies Ordinance


♦  定期通知董事責任事項


To notify the Director's duties & responsibilities on a regular basis

♦  提交下年度週年申報表


Prepare Annual Return for Coming Year

♦  製作相關會議紀錄


Prepare Relative Minutes

♦  一年更改公司註冊地址、公司秘書PP或董事資料文件

Change of Registered Office Address,

Company Secretary or Director


♦  一年轉讓公司股份


Transfer of Share

♦  股份分配


Allotment of Share

♦  以本中心地址作為註冊地址,代收PP政府信件

Right to use our business center's address as official business

 registration address (only to receive government mails)



其他公司秘書服務 (不包括:政府費用,會計費用及核數費用)
Other Services (Exclude Government Fee, Accounting Fee & Audit Fee)




服務 Services


費用 FEE

公司查冊 / 商業登記證 (BR) 續期
Company Searching / Re-new Business Registration (BR)

HK$ 388

申請分行 (每項收費)
Apply Office Branch (Each)

HK$ 388

更改董事 / 秘書 / 業務性質 (每項收費)
Change of Director / Secretary / Business Nature (Each)

HK$ 600

Annual Return

HK$ 600

補領公司註冊證書 (CI) /商業登記證 (BR)
Re-print Company Incorporation Certificate (CI) / Business Registration (BR)

HK$ 388

翻譯 (中文地址轉英文地址)
Translate (Chinese address to English address)

HK$ 50

股份轉讓 / 股份分配 (每項收費)
Transfer Share / Share Allotments (Each)

HK$ 388

更改公司名稱 / 更改註冊地址 (每項收費)
Change of Company Name / Registered Office Address (Each)

HK$ 600


Dormant Company

HK$ 600

開辦銀行戶口 (恆生銀行)
Open Bank Account
(Hang Seng Bank)

HK$ 1,000

18本組織章程 (需時2個工作天)
18 Copies of A & A, totally 7 Pages (Approximately 2 Working Days)

HK$ 388

綠盒 (包括18本組織章程,共7頁) 需時2-3個工作天
Company Kit Set (Include 18 Copies of A & A, totally 7 Pages) Approximately 2 Working Days

HK$ 800

核證副本 (每項收費) 或 申請成立新公司在指定日子交文件之收費
Certify True Copy (Each) / Application for company registration on a specified date

HK$ 500



撤銷註冊有限公司 / 無限公司 (不包括政府費用、會計、報稅及審計服務費用)
Revoke Registration of Company (Exclude Government Fee, Accounting Fee & Audit Fee)  HK$2,700



♦  需時 10 - 14 個月時間批核


Approximately 10-14 months for approval

♦  準備及遞交撤銷文件


Prepare and submit revoke registration documents

♦  代收政府信件


Include receiving government mails

♦  刊登為期三個月的憲報

3 months of Publication of Gazette Notice



商標註冊 (不包括政府費用) Trademark Registration (Exclude Government Fee) HK$2,700



♦  需時 6 - 10 個月時間批核


Approximately 6-10 months for approval

♦  準備及遞交商標註冊文件


Prepare and submit trademark registration documents

♦  商標有效達10年


Trademark valid for 10 years
♦  代收政府信件 Include receiving government mails



會計服務 (價格另議) Accounting Service (By quotation)


                   收費服務範圍包括如下 Service Details


♦  開傳票及電腦入賬

Prepare Voucher and Software Record

♦  總賬、現金賬、銀行賬、應收賬


General Journal; Cash A/C; Bank A/C; Sales

 Journal; Purchases Journal


♦  銀行現金對數

Bank Reconciliation

♦  製作財務報表,包括資產負債及


Financial Report, Profit & Loss A/C and Balance




所需時間 Time Required





 Monthly:Approximately 1-3 weeks

♦  按季理賬:約1個月內


 Quarterly:Within One Month

♦  按年理賬:約1個月內

 Annually:Within One Month




Taxation Service / Auditing Service (By quotation)



♦  計算公司利得稅及填寫公司報稅

 Calculate the Company Profit Tax and  Prepare the Tax Return




 Remarks : All fees, rules and regulations are for reference only and are subject to change.  There will be no further notice for any changes.



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